Originally written: 11/30/2018 Preface: I want to start this preface to make it clear that I am not the best, fastest, or most avid reader at all. However, I can say that I made significant progress in this area of my life over the past three or four years. This guide provides the reasons and the processes I undertook to try and read more. Because this guide only reflects my experience, it would be wrong for me to think this is universally applicable to all people. However, I again want to show how much I changed along this process. For instance, I recall that I did not read my first book for pleasure until the winter of 2017. On the contrary, in 2018, I read 5 books from front to back so far. Otherwise, between 2012-2016 I only really read for my college classes. My hope is that this guide can help you become better read in topics you want to learn about in time. 1. Begin with a topic you want to read about. a. For me, this was a...
Polythróna is the Greek word for armchair, so this blog is my armchair where I spill my thoughts.