Originally written: 06/27/16 A thought on science education. A recent observation has told me that it seems like critical thinking and reasoning skills tend to decline as one gets involved in the sciences. It may be that science is taught as a fact in its classes where it leads to more analytical thinking and not critical thinking. It seems as though critical thinking, or the ability to withdraw points of view and debate them as such are found more in disciplines where there is a lack of perceived truth. Many scientific theories are that (perceived truth), supported by evidence, and nearly set in stone. Only science education that explores research and development encourages critical thinking in the sciences as newfound discoveries birth new theories to be debated. 2021 Additions: It’s odd to read this entry that I wrote five years ago now. I wasn’t even done with my bachelor’s yet! But I remember why I had this thought in the first place. In the US, those who ...
Polythróna is the Greek word for armchair, so this blog is my armchair where I spill my thoughts.