Originally written: 3/14/17 Living life on the curve. What does it really mean? The basics comes down to this: Principle 1 - The earth provides a 7-billion-person sample size which means that every person falls on a bell curve somewhere, right? Principle 2 - There are variable curves and robust curves in life. For example, personal traits/attributes are more dynamic, as the principal size is oneself. A more robust bell curve is something such as height, income, education, etc. revolving around genetic factors and sociofactors. Principle 3 - Changes in dynamic curve may have or have not any impact on more robust cell curves. But how do changes in the curve happen then? Is it a matter of changing the right dynamic variables, or is it changing enough dynamic variables? 2021 additions I remember vividly how this thought came to be. My first large professional setback happened, and I didn’t take it very well and fell into a large slump where I didn’t write for some time....
Polythróna is the Greek word for armchair, so this blog is my armchair where I spill my thoughts.