Earlier Parts of this series Part 1, Why Now? https://hadrianarcho.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-metaverse-primer-by-jefferies-part.html Part 2, A Peculiar Economy https://hadrianarcho.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-metaverse-primer-by-jefferies-part_15.html Introduction At the beginning of this discussion regarding the Metaverse, I had already begun to think about the effects that a fully developed metaverse would have on crime, punishment, and censorship. Because of my rather sluggish writing process, I was not able to complete this part of the discussion before a very important news article arrived onto the landscape this year. You may or may not have heard of this piece of news, but some time ago, a lady had reported that she has been “raped” in the metaverse [1] . In the story, a woman from the UK, Nina Jane Patel, claimed that within a minute of joining the metaverse platform, Horizon Venues, a group of 3-4 avatars had sexually assaulted her [1] [2] . In more ex...
Polythróna is the Greek word for armchair, so this blog is my armchair where I spill my thoughts.