Originally Written: 06/04/2016 I want to say that like most people, I spent some time thinking about what kind of training or curriculum a person could engage in that would best result in a group of highly competent leaders resistant to the ills that accompany these roles such as corruption and maleficence. Duriang this day I took to writing, I came to the conclusion that in order to get competent leaders, you have to teach them the rulebook while they’re young, and tailor their curriculum based on their age and to expand the range of subjects to include things that are not currently taught in the current American school system. Without further ado, I lay out my idea below. A system of sort needs to have a defined set of core values. They are: · Moral fortitude · A well-rounded knowledge base in the natural science, social sciences, business, and interpersonal communications · ...
Polythróna is the Greek word for armchair, so this blog is my armchair where I spill my thoughts.